Dear teman-teman,
Gak tau harus darimana mulainya. Tapi tadi sudah dimulai dengan kalimat singkat, padat, jelas dan berisi.
"Miss you.."
Aku sempet mikir, opo ojok2 aku iki kate mati kok tumben2 ngomong ngono. Aku awali dengan nge-YM some of you all. (Btw sorry yo, ngomonge campur2, maklum harus membiasakan diri go international). hehe..
Paling dikiro gendeng aku yo... But maybe I'm insane. Bukan apa2.. kangen lak yo sah2 ae tooo..ga melanggar hukum.
Well, guys..
I have realized how much I need you all, your presence, your support, your stupid jokes, your lebay things, your laugh, your boring stories...Aku kangen semua itu. Moreover, I miss the times we have spent together...our togetherness...which is so irreplaceable. Aku sadar, bahkan punya pacar ngganteng, seganteng Aston Kutcher pun (colek Bebi) ga bisa menggantikan arti kehadiran kalian dalam hidupku. You all mean so a lot to me.
Maybe I'm not a good friend for you all. Even maybe just the opposite..I suck and boring... Dengan cerita yang sama, pamer pacar2ku sing ganteng2 iku, crito ngalor ngidul ga jelas. But trust me, you have occupied a special place in the corner of my heart. Dan lewat note kecil ini, I just wanna let you all know, that I love you. And moreover, I need you.
Aku inget disaat2 terberatku (menyinggung berat, colek Bebi lagi...hehehe...), mungkin bukan mama, bukan pak meyer, bukan pacar yang berdiri disana untuk memberi back up penuh buat aku.
Mungkin saat itu kalian tidak berbuat apa2, atau bahkan tidak tau apa2 tentang apa saja saat terberat itu. But just by seeing and knowing that you were there. I felt safe. I felt the support. But the important thing was I knew I could hold you when I was about to fall..
Aku kangen kongkow di sekber, masakin buat kalian pas kempro..masio masakanku ga enak, mosok wani kowe2 kabeh komplain. Hahaha...Paling jarene Adit, "ditapuk mubeng". hahaha...
Aku kangen kita nggedabrus di kantin, Mi, Man, Cik,.. kangen bosok'e kene ngrasani wong2 iku..
Aku kangen kowe nyopiri aku Beb, aku kangen pacaran karo awakmu siang dan malam, like we used to do when you were still in Japan..and please never be bored when I say "pacarku ngganteng yo??"
Aku kangen langsung ngacir kerumahmu Man, pas aku wes ga kuat nahan lagi buat cerita dan ngeshare sesuatu yang menyesakkan dada. Aku kangen how you so much care about Etus and Nana.
Aku kangen tidur di kostan Motty, terus makan bayem sama pepes yg cuma 4ribuan sak laler'e. Aku kangen berburu barang diskonan sama kamu Motty..Where are you now sweetheart..
Aku kangen kothbah dan ayat2 kitab sucimu, Ndut. I miss how we measured the road during days and nights and how we flirted and impressed the guys..And how we kicked the guys' asses with our own ways. We married, we divorced and again remarried..
Aku kangen kowe doliiii....I am you, you are me wes pokoke..kowe ngerti sampe aib2ku wes pokoke... You deserve a fucking rich Boss of Macau Mafia. Sing sugehhhhh....sing apikan...sing sayang pol karo awakmu...sing iso ngedekno pabrik obat dewe gae awakmu...
Aku kangen kowe Ndru, our friendship is really another proof of what so called "best friend". We rarely meet. But we have never lost the feel and the essence of our friendship. And I know, that you're my half...
Nah, sing iki rodo piyeee ngono..aku kangen kowe Ndul..wes, ga perlu diungkapkan dengan kata2 lah...you also had an important role in my life.. your presence had shaped my character. and I feel that I am improved a lot. (kowe mudeng gak? google translate yo..hehe)
the last but not least...aku GAK kangen blas karo kowe Bang alias Koko beluk...bosen aku..ngalah2i karo Tomo hareee...hehe..but..really, you are amazing...hatimu tak seburuk rupamu...thanks for never feeling bored facing my instability. I think I will need that the rest of my life..Ngomong bojomu mben..kudu siap dimadu karo aku...
Aku kangen kamu2 semua yang hadir dan singgah dalam hidupku... Yang sperti aku bilang, duwe pacar gantenge koyok opo, ga iso mengobati rasa rinduku padamu semua. Till I couldn't hold the liquid drop from my beautiful eyes... I am ready to lose hundreds handsome boyfriends..but I will never be ready to lose one of you.
Oke..cukup rasae yo pidato hari ini...waktunya nulis message buat my baby baby...(colek Bebi lagi) hahaha...
I feel so much better.. Serasa baru beol setelah beberapa hari pedegelen gitu deh...
Have a super day teman temin!!!! I miss you full!!!!
Kisses from the middle of nowhere.