Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Vegetarische Baked Fusili ala Petronela"

Wah jiwa ke-perempuan-an saya lagi membara nih. Tiba2 aja pingin bikin sesuatu yang agak luar binasa. Hahaha.. Kalo biasanya bikin lodeh kacang sama tempe mendol, sekarang boleh lah sekali2 bikin makanan ala Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie alias kebarat2an gitu lah. Sebenernya saya sendiri juga ngga tau ini namanya apa. Karena emang berawal dari coba-coba, memanfaatkan apa yang ada dirumah dan di kulkas, jadinya saya bilang ini menu ala SAYA. Hehehe... Ini semua bahannya sayuran, tidak pake ayam ato daging lainnya. Nah karena full sayur dan ada fusilinya, terciptalah "Vegetarische Baked Fusili ala Petronela". Nah, lagi2 nih, kalo yang ngga ngerti fusili itu apa, sok atuh, tanya Oom Google. Hehehe..

100 gram fusili (rebus dan tiriskan)
2 buah wortel (potong kotak)
1 buah paprika merah (potong kotak)
1 buah zuchini hijau (potong kotak)
100 gram kacang polong
100 gram jagung pipil
100 gram champignon
100 gram brokoli (rebus)
1 buah tomat
1 buah bawang bombay (potong kotak)

4 siung bawang putih (haluskan)
2 sdm pasta tomat
100 gram saus bolognese
2 butir telur
250 ml susu
basil kering
mozarella parut
keju parmesan

Cara membuat:
1. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai harum. Masukkan wortel, paprika dan champignon. Aduk.
2. Tambahkan pasta tomat, saus bolognese, garam, merica, oregano, basil, plus susu supaya agak creamy. :)
Kemudian masukkan kacang polong, jagung dan brokoli. Aduk hingga rata.
3. Atur fusili pada pinggan tahan panas, kemudian sayuran di atasnya. Tambahkan mozarella, atur dan ratakan. Beri potongan tomat dan brokoli untuk hiasan.
4. Kocok telur, tambahkan susu, merica, oregano, basil dan keju parmesan. Tuang ke adonan pada pinggan.
5. Taburkan mozarella parut.
6. Panggang pada suhu 250 derajat kurang lebih 15-20 menit. Atau sampe berwarna keemasan. Hehehe.. Maklum, chef gadungan jadi pake ilmu kira2. Hahaha..
7. Siap disajikan

Resep ini untuk 4-5 orang. Nah, untuk yang susah cari oregano atau basil kering, biasanya kalau beli saus bolognese botol sudah sekalian ada di dalamnya. Kalo dirasa keju mozarella mahal atau susah juga nyarinya. boleh diganti aja ama keju cheddar biasa. Tinggal di parut halus dan kocok sama telur (seperti nomer 4). Untuk fusili, bisa diganti pake macaroni atau bahkan lembaran lasagna. Hehehe... Selamat mencoba!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"I'm Petronela, not Cinderella"

Today I’m sitting here, the most favorite place in the house. In room, on the desk with the forest view. Every evening I always spend at least 10 minutes just to stand and to enjoy the silence. Sometimes, the singing birds join me, as if they know that the melody that would trigger my smile.  How lucky I am... As lucky as today for I will tell some shit to the birds about somebody whom I never knew that he would be so important for me.

I have known this guy only less than 1000 days. I even couldn’t remember how we have become so close. How we met, was also funny. The first day we talked (6 hours and 17 minutes –my Skype Call History can prove that-), we both agreed that we felt like we have already known each other for years. I couldn’t agree more about that. And I was hypnotized by him. I skipped to sleep that day, but guess what? I never felt that fresh in the next morning. We started our friendship with stupid silly agreement, he is the boss and I’m the maid. Dont blame him, it’s me who chose to be the maid. 

Days by days, we write, we talk, we share and we laugh more and more and more. He is funny, silly, stupid sometimes, cocky and honest. I and almost all my friends who know him will agree to say that he is not ugly, well okey, he is good looking. In my eyes, he is flawless. But I’m always too proud and cocky to admit that. That day, I talked to myself: “He’s too good to be true, Petsy. Stop dreaming and go to work!”.  Somehow, after I have known him, my days are always great. I did my duties at work passionately, I did sports spiritfully. He has brought good impact in my life. I whispered to myself “I want to be his real maid!”. Hahaha... 

One day, I told about him to somebody. About how nice he is as a young man. But he said “Wake up! You are Petronela, not Cinderella!”. That hit me up. Shit! That’s true!!

You all guys also think that’s true? Yes. That’s true. I’m just Petronela, I’m not Cinderella. Cause I have my own story. The story which I think even better than Cinderella story. Because it’s real and I’m the star. I never dare to dream to have such a prince charming with his white horse. I’m just an ordinary girl. I never consider myself pretty or sweet or cute. My outer look is just normal, average..well maybe under average. But I’m always proud for who I am. I’m fun, active, smart, fit, crazy, love to smile. And... That’s all what I knew untill the day I met my Boss. He is the second person who said that I have beautiful eyes. The first was my grandma. He said that I have the sweetest smile. He said I have beautiful full lips. He said I have cute small fingers. He passionately helped me to discover my beauty which I even never realised. He makes me feel beautiful. The best boss whom I have ever had. 

Now we have been together for more and more days. I’m happy for our togetherness. No. I’m more than just happy. Everybody who is close to him will realize how special he is. How lucky they will feel because they know him and have him as their friend. I’m sure everybody agrees when I say that he can be best friend...and best boyfriend. Eventhough he sucks sometimes. His parents, his sister, his friends, his ex girlfriends or anybody are lucky to ever have him. But, with my most sincere heart, I must say, now I’m the luckiest person who can be with him at the moment. Everybody can guarantee, even God, that I would never get a better man, than him. His caring, his patience, his support, his love for me are really un-measure-able. 

He respects me as a woman, he loves me as a girlfriend, he takes care of me as a diamond, he treats me as a princess, he mocks me as a best friend. He makes me feel beautiful. He adores my smile. He tolerates my flaws. He never gets angry when I do mistakes, he hugs me tight indeed, and always says “Everything is okey, cutie”.  He never feels bored yet of my old stupid jokes. He likes all the food I cook and always says “Lecker”. He knows what I like and he respects what I dont like. He never misses to say “I love you” every morning and asks me not to forget that. He cares about how I feel. He asks everyday how I feel. He always assures that I feel fine. He loves me. He needs me. He wants me. And SO DO I. He is my everything.

Once he said, "You have the honest boyfriend." And I have no doubt about that. 

Thank you so much my baby! For giving me a space in your heart to stay. I know I’m not perfect but trust me, I always try to be the best as I can. Thank you for the king and queen for letting me be the princess and together with their son, the prince. I’m happy to be a part of Schindowski’s. That’s the biggest honor! And now.. Let’s write the chapters of our stories.

I'm proud to be yours, Timo! And I'll always be!