Monday, August 19, 2013

Surprise vs Happiness

Selamat Pagiiiii!!!!
Bahagianya hidup saya! Saat sedang menulis ini, saya sedang menikmati Choco Croissant TER-ENAK di dunia! Dengan secangkir susu coklat panas!! Sederhana kan bahagia ala saya? hehehe... Tapi hari ini ada yang spesial. Well, since I'm here everyday is always special. There is always something sweet. Rutinitas pagi, menyiapkan bekal makan siang si Parjo, mengantar ke pintu depan, goodbye kisses dan mengintip dari jendela sampai si Parjo jalan ke arah parkiran mobil tak lupa selalu senyum manis tersungging di bibir (halah!! lebay!). Sepertinya summer akan segera berakhir, dingin bok!! Selimut ama kasur kok melambai2. Karena saya sedang libur kelas Jermannya, jd gpp deh molor lagi. Wkwkwkwkwk! Jangan ditiru!!

Kurang lebih jam 7.30, saya kembali bangun. Udah nyusun rencana untuk hari ini. Nanti sepulang kerja harus ke pasar. Malam ini saya mengundang mertua untuk makan malam dirumah. Hahaha... kasian temen saya si Seli, semalam dengerin curcol saya tentang menu apa enaknya yang disajikan. Hahaha... Nah, kembali ke cerita. Saya langsung deh, beranjak dari kasur, keluar kamar. Saya melihat sesuatu di lantai. A piece of paper and super sweet short message on it!! And!!! I saw "something" wrapped with backery paper. AAARRRGGGHHHH: Choco Croissant from my favorit backery!!

I was sooooo happy when I opened and read the message. I grabbed the phone and called my Baby immediatly! I screamed sooo loud when he picked the phone!! And told him how sweet he is and how much I love him and how much happy I am to be with him!

See! Happiness is simple and cheap. It's not even gold or diamond, it's not even Dolce Gabbana or Loubuttin. Or holiday in fucking expensive cruise ship. It doesn't have to be expensive to be "a sweet surprise". Buat mereka yang memang mampu, sah2 aja. Tapi buat para suami, tunangan atau pacar, memberi surprise itu ga harus dengan ratusan ribu. Buat para ladies juga, jangan dikira kalau tidak memberi emas dan permata, si suami tidak peduli atau terkesan tidak pernah memberi surprise. Jagung bakar kesukaan, roti keju kesukaan, bisa jadi itu bukti sayang dari pasangan. Change your mindset! Small things can be a real big surprise when you understand the "sence of giving".

This is not the first time that my husband did so. Not everyday, but until now I have a lot small papers with sweet messages on them. He hangs on the fridge, on the couch, close to my bed, even once he put inside the fridge. Why? Because he had one bite of my Chicken Burger. He wrote "Sorry! Aku Cinta Kamu!". And he put it over the burger so I could see. As my best friend also says, cinta itu sederhana, cuma bisa berbekal 1 kg tepung terigu.

Thanks my baby for (always) being such a sweet caring romantic partner! Your friends might say that you're not romantic. But for me, you have your own ways how to be romantic. And I love your ways.

Your happy and proud wife.

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